Food Pantry Hours
Monday- 1:00 - 3:00 PM
Thursday- 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Friday- 2:00 - 4:00 PM
The Peace Lutheran Food Pantry was started to address the issue of childhood
hunger during the summer months and vacation breaks when those children
from low-income families who normally receive the Back-Pack Meals through
their schools would not have that benefit. After a few months of operation, it
was evident that the Pantry was being used to address the issue of food hunger
for not just children but seniors, homeless, grandparents raising grandchildren,
disabled, etc. Currently, the Pantry is open three times per week for a two-hour
time period and is staffed by volunteers.
The Food Pantry relies on donations of food and money from members of the
Peace Congregation, from other churches, and from other organizations and
individuals. The majority of the food given out in the pantry is shelf-stable food
that has been purchased taking advantage of local sales using the donated funds.
A freezer was purchased using grant funds so we are able to provide some frozen
foods when they are made available. Free books are also provided to children
who would like them.
Individuals and families coming to the pantry for food are required to sign in,
providing their name and address and listing other benefits they may be
receiving. We do not require identification such as a drivers’ license or a utility
bill for address verification. Visitors to the pantry can self-select whatever
groceries they can fit in one grocery bag and can carry a box of cereal and a bottle
of juice or detergent when that is available in the pantry. Visits are limited to not
more than one visit per week.
Those individuals who would like to volunteer or make donations to the program
may contact Peace Lutheran Church.